Tuesday Mar 5, 2024
10:00 AM - 11:15 PM PST
March 5 10 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.
The University Club of Santa Barbara 1332 Santa Barbara Street Santa Barbara, CA
no charge RSVP required: www.YourSBTeam.com/events Sign up a friend, receive 2 raffle tickets to win our monthly gift basket!
Rachel Quittner 805.637.8932
Nancy Newquist Nolan 805. 570.1015
Send Email
Ready for a FUN Educational Seminar? Join Your SB Team as we enjoy The National Search Dog Foundation's Founder, Wilma Melville speak about her life's journey and foundation. Wilma is still going strong at 90 and will share how her foundation not only rescues these search and rescue dogs, but trains them to save lives at natural disasters and she will be sharing about her journey along the way.
Printed courtesy of sbscchamber.com/ – Contact the Santa Barbara South Coast Chamber of Commerce for more information.
5662 Calle Real #204, Goleta, CA 93117 – (805) 967-2500 – info@SBSCChamber.com